AGDAŞ is among the top ten corporations on the Sakarya Corporate Tax Ranking List of 2015 and is ranked in 8th place. Sakarya Governor Avni Coş presented certificates of appreciation to the highest taxpayers in Sakarya in a ceremony organized by the Sakarya Tax Office Directorate in the conference hall of AGDAŞ. In his speech, Governor Coş emphasized the importance of paying taxes and congratulated the top ten corporations. The representatives of leading corporations and businessmen in Sakarya participated in the event where Deputy General Manager of AGDAŞ Mesut Yaşar Uzun received the certificate of appreciation on behalf of the company. Uzun said, "Paying taxes is a duty for each and every individual and company in this country," and added that "It is very important to pay taxes for a stronger state and more welfare." He also emphasized that AGDAŞ has made and will continue to make a great contribution to the development of society and to the welfare level of Sakarya with the taxes it pays.